Saturday, November 11, 2006

Knit kit

I have been slow getting to my blog but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy. My wonderful exchange pal in the international scarf exchange sent me a knitting magazine from England. My neighbor immediately fell in love with some mice and begged to have me make them for her for Christmas. You guessed it. I have little mice parts filling my knitting tote. I will put a picture on when the parts are sown together. I usually don't knit things like this but my neighbor has been a wonderful friend so I gritted my teeth and found out it isn't bad at all. Meanwhile I managed to sign up for a swap and didn't know that I had. That's not a bad thing. I really like swaps and have been busy getting together to send a knit kit to Uruguary. I had a bit of a problem because the person I sent to has a blog but it is in Spanish. I am Spanish illiterate. I put a page of her blog in and think I have some of the things she likes. I hope so. Meanwhile here is what I put in her kit. Due to a possible problem in communication, I am sending two patterns and she can pick the one that she likes the best to make. She will always have the other one to do at a later time, knitting needles, beads if she chooses the one with beads, a bead stringer, Chocolate and fruit candy, flavored coffee and a tube of moisturing hand lotion. The yarn is from Italy and from what I can figure out her favorite color is blue so I went with one that would work up like a denim. Hope I guessed correctly and she enjoys it. Now, back to those mice!

1 comment:

Nic said...

I always hate when someone asks me to knit something daffy or boring that I dont want to do.. but I suck it up too.