Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Keeping my Hands busy

It remains touch and go with my dog and so I found the need to keep my hands busy. I am thinking it would be better if I were not off on vacation. Oh well, this is something over which I have no control. Anyway this is yesterday and this morning's offerings. They kept me busy counting away and I will finally have a pair of warm mittens big enough for my long fingers thanks to Ann, my kind partner at Knit kit. Hope you like how they turned out. Oh, it is another Lucy bag not an Anne bag. This is the taller version


Nic said...

That lucy bag is so cute. I bought the patterns ages ago but never made it. I think might soon after seeing yours.

Anonymous said...

You are so fast! They are just too cute. Some people do not even have their kits yet and yours is all knit up. I will have to try a pair out myself. Kisses to Napoleon!
I just finished a Branching out Scarf for my mom.GIve it a try. 1 skein. and 2 nights of TV knitting.
Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

The bag came out really nice. I also love your mice they are just adorable.
Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving!

Best wishes