Saturday, December 23, 2006

It is almost here

The 23rd already and I am still wrapping and cooking. Chewie, my new baby, does not understand why an rational human being would be up and in the kitchen at 5 AM. He is lying on the hassack and manages to list one eyelid to take a peak now and then but that is it. Smart dog. The last gift arrived by Fed-X last night and things are finally getting finished. I must just remember to breath deeply and slow down - everything always has gotten done and it always will. Anything I don't finish was not meant to be finished so it doesn't count. The 21st was my grandson Logan's birthday. We do only a small celebration because it is so close to Christmas. He gets a half birthday in June that is not so taken over by the Christmas holiday. Hummmm...I wonder what happens when Jade, his sister, figures out with a birthday in April she hasn't been getting a half birthday. She has a mind of her own so that should be interesting. Now, off to make peppermint ice cream. The kids like to watch it freeze so I will take it over to their house.

1 comment:

peaknits said...

What sweet grandbabies! Your peppermint ice cream sounds fabulous. I could have a ballet doll posted by tomorrow:)I've been hiding and knitting...