Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Its getting longer

Been busy again so this is all I have accomplished in the past few days. The oven is now cooking, the washer is washing. The digital camera is taking pictures. I did just go out to start the mower and no spark. I looked outside in the front. I decided that I was only going to mulch the leaves anyway and I could do that in the spring. Maybe I will borrow the neighbors but for now I will get in the kitchen and whip up a couple of items for company. I'm feeling Italian. I almost folded and started something else while working on the shrug. I am hanging tough though. I will get this finished before starting another item. It is such a simple pattern and I keep having to rip it out. I think that's the problem. It has a lot of repeats and I don't pay enough attention to how often I repeat. The stitch markers help if I would just look at my knitting instead of checking out the news on the television I could probably get this done in a few more days.

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