Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I probably won't get much if any knitting done this evening. It is time for the ghosties and goblins. Here are Logan and Jade after coming in from a brisk walk with their haul of goodies. Secret pal, They had to try the candy to see if it was like the American Gummie Bears. The consensus is that it is. Be back later with more pictures. We tried the shrug and figured out a way to make it work so will be back on that as soon as I finish the camasole that goes with it.
I also heard from my giftee secret pal who finally got her package. I have been waiting on pins and needles as I got mine from Germany faster then she got hers in Canada. Now at least I have an estimate of time. One of the things I sent was a tote that wraps up like a purse and when you pop it open it becomes quite large and has wheels to fit lots of stuff in for shopping at those yarn stores. She said the size makes her husband a tad nervous. Knitters unite....A yarn shop is no place for thinking small.

1 comment:

peaknits said...

I'm thinking BIG for Saturday! weeee!!