Sunday, October 15, 2006

They need blocking

The mittens need the finishing touch but they are the last items in the winter set for my daughter-in-laws birthday. I think the beads add a nice bright touch.

I have heard several times from both my spoiler and spoilee in the Secret Pal exchange and am having all kinds of fun getting a packet ready to send.

A more down note. Now the motor in my washer burned out. You would think these are old appliances and they are not. The washer is just a tad over 2 years old. What ever happened to things that lasted. Better yet, where did all the repair men go now that everything needs to be repaired? If you have the answer let me know. Right now I am ovenless and washerless. Grrrrrrrr!
No promises as to when they will be fixed just they will get to them. GURRRRRRR!

1 comment:

Nic said...

Those are really cute gloves (even without the blocking). /hostessnic